Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Austin Carr Line of the Night

This is a great one from Austin Carr, who's all out enthusiasm is unrivaled in this town. This A.C. line of the night came after LeBron hit two free throws, to ice the Orlando victory, with 8.7 seconds left in the 4th quarter of Tuesday night's win. As both teams walked to the sidelines, following the second make, Uncle Austin dropped the following line. Check your DVR if you don't believe, me.

"Cavaliers, playing a team game, L-Train, Mo Williams, Anderson, Delonte, Joe Williams, Z, everybody getting into the act."

Classic. I would ask the question, who is Joe Williams, but it doesn't matter. Joe Smith knows who he is, and I know exactly what AC meant... 'Cavaliers win a big one, and I love it.'

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